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If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
Toggle mode
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
Bianca deține aptitudinile unui profesionist în domeniu.
Recomand cu încredere! Doamnele sunt de o răbdare extraordinara, empatice, foarte creative. Copilul meu le-a îndrăgit imediat. De asemenea este foarte incantata de activitățile făcute și abia așteaptă sa se reîntoarcă a doua zi. Consider ca nu puteam face o alegere mai potrivită!
Un loc minunat cu activități creative și atractive specifice vârstei copiilor, cu cadre didactice bine pregătite, responsabile și dedicate meseriei. Aici am întâlnit un om excepțional, un dascăl extraordinar in persoana d-nei Bianca Marcu căreia i se datorează admiterea fetitei mele in clasa a-5-a la profilul intensiv engleză, certificatele obținute in urma examenelor Cambridge si OSD cu rezultate foarte bune, pregătirea la limba română pentru examenele importante care vor urma. Prin valorile pe care le transmite, prin felul ei de a fi , este un model pe care copilul meu dorește să îl urmeze visând ca în viitor să îmbrățișeze această meserie. Super încântată și de activitățile pe care le-ați gândit pentru vacante. Mulțumim!
Profesor Bianca Marcu un exemplu de profesionalism și seriozitate, o persoană dedicată în munca cu elevii de toate vârstele, o alegere potrivită dacă îți dorești rezultate remarcabile pentru viitorul copilului tău… Mulțumim!
These two fantastic events are always a highlight of our festive calendar. Our students performed brilliantly and we hope the audiences enjoyed the recitals, as our festive efforts!
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Pricing table
- Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games and activities
- Camping on Mountains
- School Bus
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games
$16per month
$14per month
Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
Sport games and activities
Camping on Mountains
School Bus
Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
Sport games
$30per month
$28per month
Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
Sport games and activities
Camping on Mountains
School Bus
Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
Sport games
$40per month
$38per month
Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
Sport games and activities
Camping on Mountains
School Bus
Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
Sport games